DWCNZ Wrap Up Blog
News Article by Debbie Ireland
The conference team were all so pumped for this year’s Digital Workplace Conference NZ – the last one was in 2019 – and being able to hang out together again!

In the conference closing session “Contemplate and Anticipate” it was astoundingly clear that one of the key ideas resonating with people was the importance of focusing what we’re doing in technology spaces around the needs of our people.
Many sessions included this people-centric theme, kicked off by Dux Raymond Sy’s keynote, suggesting we take these three steps to make sure our digital transformation initiatives are purpose driven:
- Make it easy to do the right thing
- Empower people with relevant tools
- Meet people in their onlyness
On this year’s agenda we included four case studies. So many people commented about how relevant and useful these sessions were:
“Case studies are generally my favourite and this one was very appropriate to a piece of work I am currently planning.”
“One of the things I felt was really great was that we had four case studies in amongst the experts talking. They are experts in their own right.”
“The most useful session so far – really relevant things that we can take away.”
“Fantastic breakdown of what was done and how.”
“Fabulous and informative presentation and down to earth.”
“Superb! Passionate and realistic approach, lots of notes and ideas from this one.”
“Case studies were hugely valuable for seeing expert advice in action.”

One session that really stood out was Haider Khan’s “Be an Effective Leader of Change: 5 Leadership Tips to Succeed in any Digital Transformation”. An emotive storyteller, Haider’s skill as a speaker brought this topic to life. Comments from attendees included:
“A valuable presentation from a very engaging presenter.”
“Amazing presentation and tips, so useful to takeaway.”
“Great interactivity. Pushing audience a bit, but not too much.”
“Simply outstanding!”
But the overwhelming takeaway from the event was that engaging with people in the flesh is so beneficial, and you get much, much more out of an event when you are face to face. This attendee summed it up well:
“I’ve really enjoyed being face-to-face again after having sessions online – been meeting people and connecting, and I’ve really enjoyed how engaging this conference has been. It’s been super fun, and I’ve had a great time.”
Read Ryan the Lion Ashton’s Blog for his enthusiastic take on the conference.